Tag Archives: juicing

JUICES…& strawberry, young coconut, and cashew shake

We did a juice fast yesterday and then had this for breakfast today. The strawberries were getting too ripe I guess and were on clearance for 99 cents a box at the health food store. Plus the water and meat of the young coconut, and cashew nut pulp left over from making cashew milk. We put it all through the champion juicer the the blank screen on so it just pulverized it all. We mixed it with the coconut water, and…OMG, delicious!



I didn’t get a pic of all the juices, but here are some. SO pretty!




Lots of beets, carrots, celery, kale, garlic, ginger, and fresh tumeric in there. I find that juices are really good for me. Wish I had the picture of the pineapple coconut juice!

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